God's Warrior Bride

Saturday, June 30, 2007

What a Week!

Have you ever heard someone say "Man what a day!" well my is "Man what a week!" My precious son Scott found out that his wife of 8 years has been unfaithful and wants a divorce. This was such a shock to him, especially since they have been together the past 15 years and they have three beautiful daughters. He wants Lisa to stay and work out their problems, but unfortunately she doesn't feel the same. My heart aches for him and his family, but through this Scott and I have talked and shared more than we have in years. God's hand is covering him and his family and He has allowed me the opportunity to minister to my oldest son. This is such a blessing for me and I know that God's hand is over them. However, our talks have lasted well after midnight each evening and my energy is running a little low.

Plus the movers have been in our office all week long and the complete office is in turmoil. I am an absolute freak about there being a place for everything and everything being in its place, which is so not what my office is like. Matter of fact, it is so crazy Frankie (my angle fish) swells up and goes into attack mode everytime someone walks by his bowl. He likes order just like I do, so we are both a little out of sorts.

Then on Friday, I went to the doctor (for the MRI results on my knee) and I successfully managed a 6-8" tear that runs across the back of the knee and down the leg. The doctor hopes that it can be fixed through scoping it, but if not then he will have to open it up. I am scheduled for surgery this coming Thursday. This is so totally not on my agenda for this summer because I am booked every weekend until September 15th with weddings, parties and such.

Enough complaining!

The good news is God has answered the following things from my list:

3. My photography business continue to grow (Tremendously)

4. God to provide a place for my photography business - (God gave us a free building and it great)

5. My relationship with my son Timothy to be healed (Amazingly)

10. New computer, with two monitors for photography (Ordered and waiting on delivery)

11. Continued favor for Doug in his business (Two new employees added this week)

12. A nice fall vacation with my sweet husband (Going to Eureka Spring, Ar. in late September)

13. A closer relationship with God and more understanding of His ways (More and more everyday)

14. A closer relationship with the people from KLF (Totally fulfilled)

In closing, please keep Scott and his family in your prays during this time.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Faithful One

I haven't posted for quite some time and I apologize. Things are pretty crazy and unfortunately I am not at a place where I can discuss them with anyone just yet. So, until I am released to share with you all, I ask that you please pray for my oldest son Scott and his family.

While driving into the office this morning I felt such a closeness with God even though my heart felt like it was breaking in two. I began to thank God for hearing my prayers and for being the same God know matter if I am on the mountaintop or in the valley. I thanked Him for His steadfastness, His loving guidance and His faithfulness, and as I drove God responded to me with the words of a song I use to listen to everyday. What a magnificent God we serve and how precious and faithful He truly is.

Selah - Faithful One

I find no hope within to call my own

For I am frail of heart, my strength is gone

But deep within my soul is rising up a song

Here in the comfort of the faithful one

I walk a narrow road through valleys deep

In search of higher ground, on mountains steep

And though with feet unsure, I still keep pressing on.

For I am guided by the faithful one.

Faithful, faithful to the end,

My true and precious friend,

You have been faithful,

Faithful, so faithful to me

I see your wounded hands,

I touch your side

With thorns upon your brow you bled and died

But there’s an empty tomb, a love for all who come

And give their hearts to you, the faithful one.

Faithful, faithful to the end,

My true and precious friend,

You have been faithful,

Faithful, so faithful to me

And when the day is dawned and when the race is run I will bow down before God’s only Son And I will lift my hands in praise for all you’ve done And I will worship you, my faithful one.

I thank God for being my faithful one.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

List Update

2. My brother-in-laws cancer to disappear totally

As many of you know, this past December my brother-in-law (Brenda's husband) Tony was diagnosed with colon/rectal cancer. After the surgery the doctors thought they had gotten it all, so all he was going to have to have was some chemo and some radiation for safety sake. However, in January the doctor's did an MRI and discovered that the cancer had spread. There were a dozen or so spots on Tony's liver and it was Stage 4. The prognosis was not good and the doctor gave him 6-18 months to live. After a few days they began the process of applying at MD Anderson and two weeks after that, they were rejected. At that point they decided not to persue that avenue any longer. Instead they put out a call to all of the intercessors and prayer warriors they knew and the prayers began pouring in for Tony's complete healing.

Tony and Brenda both believed that God had a plan for them during this and they were prepared to be used by Him. God began to move mightily in their lives. Their covenant with God became even stronger, as did their marriage covenant. Instead of dwelling on the prognosis, they dwelled more on the Father, more on their relationship and more on the things they wanted to do together. They began ministering to other chemo patients, family, friends, and even to their church family. Tony did things that he had always wanted to do, but never had, like take a motorcycle class. They were not going to let this get them down. No way, no how.

One evening in April, during BFW practice I received a call that said Tony's new MRI results had come in and the doctor was baffled. All they could find were three spots and it looked like they were shrinking. The doctor just shook his head. Of course we all knew what was happening - God was moving.

Today I received another call about the latest MRI results and guess what? There are no longer three spots. There are only two spots and one is shrinking. I was told that if the smaller one shrinks up and goes away then the doctor's can do surgery to remove the last spot.

God has heard our prayers and is giving us the desires of our heart. I have asked for total healing for Tony, so, I know the doctor will not have to remove the last spot because God will remove it. All of the it. God doesn't do anything halfway. I am claiming that the last two spots will be totally gone.

Praise God!